The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Since today seems to be the Friday-o-lists, here ya go:1) last day of work...so much left to do
10) blog post...no substantive content
5) farewell lunch...Five Guys
6) gym...huh?
2) mojitos and fruity drinks...headache
4) birthday party...last night
9) birthday party...tomorrow night
3) leave for Europe in less than three days...have not packed
7) Nat's game...tonight
8) cut and paste...too lazy to re-number
11) I sure do love y'all!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Yay for summer birthdays!
When I was a kid, I hated having a summer birthday. Ya know, the other kids, with their "during school" birthdays, got spoiled. A whole day of adoration by those around them: cupcakes, singing, cards, balloons, messages on the chalkboard, etc.(While it is true that I often had my name on the chalkboard, it was usually for talking out of turn, not for birthday well-wishing.) What did I get? Well, in late May, when school was almost over, teachers (if they thought of it) would have a card or cake with something like "Happy Birthday to everyone with summer birthdays." If we were lucky, we'd get our names on the cake, all 20 of us. I never felt the love.
I do believe I love having a summer birthday at a time in which my future employer's main mission is to spoil me silly (read: as a Summer Associate). Lavish lunch, posters, a cake with my name on it, people stopping by from three floors to wish me happy birthday, a confetti'd office* and company ticket's to the Nat's game may very well make up for the kiddie trauma.
(*why a law firm shredding machine should be kept under lock and key, lest some creative minds start throwing in the colored paper.)
This Girl With Her List
Back in December of last year, on my first visit to a new blog, I read an intriguing post. This girl made a list for her readers and in the process she bore her soul. The list was simply things about her. Before reading her list, she was a total stranger to me. After reading her list, I felt as if I had some insight into this total stranger. I almost felt like I knew her. That sounded silly so I never spoke up. I didn't comment and I didn't email partly because I felt intimidated by her openness and honesty...partly because I didn't feel like I really knew this girl. Even after reading her list.Months went by and I had the opportunity to meet and get to know this girl with the list. I came to see what an amazing person she is. I went back to her list recently and was astonished at what I found. As I read some of the things on her list, I realized I knew these things about her. I knew them, not because I remembered them from her list, but because she had become my friend. In the course of developing this friendship, we had taken time to talk and get to know each other. I had found a true friend in this girl with the list.
I also found out that my friend and I share a birthday, June 29. I cannot think of anyone I would rather share my birthday with today than this girl with the list. So, my dear Chase, you can cross #38 off your list because tonight is for you!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Character Reference
Thanks to everyone for your concern! As many of you predicted, things did work themselves out. But not without casualties and a not without a long weekend internalizing this bad situation. While I will not claim to look like a hero, I will say that I came out of this looking okay.After I read the first few comments on my last post, I began to wonder why this situation was having such a profound effect on me. It's not like we were dealing with something half as serious as the cure for cancer. What happened with the precious item would one day be but a speck on the makeup of my character. Why, then did I spend my entire weekend pondering (read: obsessing over) this situation? Was I making too much out of this? I mean, I knew things were serious because more than one person came to me, looked me in the eye and said "Law-Rah, this is serious." That was before, though. Before I cleaned up the mess. Before I figured out how to fix things. Soon enough, everything would be over and I would have "redeemed" myself. Why, then, am I not okay with that?
My whole life, I have been the determined hard-working one. A friend once said to another friend while talking about me "she'll make you sick. When she says she will do something, even the smallest of things, she will put everything she has into doing it. And she will do it really well." My determination is what has gotten me so far in life and I take great pride in it. When the precious item was broken and eyes turned to me, that determination was being doubted. My hard-work ethic was questioned. The "me" in me was taken away and it was completely out of my control. For someone to think I acted inappropriately, or didn't do exactly what was expected, or didn't live up to a certain standard, it would be a different beast to deal with. But for someone to think I didn't even try? For someone to doubt I took it seriously and put all of my effort into something? That was just really hard for me to accept.
Unbeknownst to you (and to me for that matter):
They sat around the table. The owner of the precious item was there. So was the one who managed the care. You were not invited to this table. The owner, still angry, told them all it was your fault. The one who managed the care sat silently. The owner said he didn't know how it happened or what you were thinking. He only knew it was ultimately your responsibility and it was broken. You never even showed up at the room with the precious item. All the people around the table knew and respected this owner. They didn't really know how to respond. Silence. Glances around the room. Then someone stood up. She said something doesn't seem right. Another stood up and agreed. He knew you well and he knew you would not have allowed this. The one who managed the care sat silently. They continued to stand. You were not there to tell your side of the story. Yet, still they stood. They stood for you. They stood in defense of this character you had worked so hard to build for yourself.
Feels really good.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
A tough place to be
In a room, on a table, exists something precious. Maybe it's a priceless crystal. Maybe it is an organ that will save a life. Maybe it's a vile holding the cure to cancer. Nevertheless, it is precious and needs to be cared for and treated with the utmost respect. Everyone is aware of its importance. The precious item is managed by a girl who one day decides to place the care if the item in your hands. Somehow, this fails to be communicated to you. So you go about your days in a normal way. You walk by the room numerous times, never having any idea you are responsible for the precious contents.One day, you find out the item was broken. Everyone is livid. That same day you find out that you had been in charge of the item. Not only are they livid, but they blame you. You rush to the room immediately and begin to clean up the mess. You know it is not your fault. You know you should not bear the weight of the blame for this. But you know the damage is done. No matter how great of a job you do cleaning up this mess that you did not make, the damage is already done.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Life After Blogging - Idlegrasshopper
[Ed. note: Today's post is the last in a Life After Blogging series. I hope you are enjoying reading as much as enjoyed delving into these three gentlemen's minds.Man oh man. When it comes to Idlegrasshopper, I just don't know where to begin. I had heard through the grapevine this guy in my law school class had a blog and wrote about law school stuff, so I went on a mission to find it. After I failed miserably, he just sent me a link. He then told me I should start a blog, which I did. When I asked him for some start-up advice on things like blogrolls and sitemeter, he sent me a comprehensive email with the subject line "How to make your blog cooler." I thought the irony in that subject line was hilarious so I kept it. That is exactly what the grasshopper did though, he made it cool to be dorky.
Grasshopper and I became like peas and carrots in the law school blogworld over at GW (which is admittedly pretty small). If you read one of us, you read the other. WonL fed off of Idlegrasshopper and vice-versa (or so I think.) Hell, we even did a tag-team blog post about our inadvertent experience with an "addult" group looking for "friends" at a local bar. I felt like when grasshopper walked away, he took a part of WonL with him and I even considered closing shop in his wake. I'm glad I didn't but I'm even more glad that grasshopper and I have maintained such a close offline friendship. This enables me to still get weekly, or sometimes daily, doses of his hilarity and self-deprecation. I have been begging him to guest post here ever since he left. He finally agreed when I wrapped it up in a the blanket of this "Life After Blogging" series. My little grasshopper, your turn to entertain my readers...]
What was the name of your blog?
I was, and shall remain, the pseudonymous Idlegrasshopper.
How long did you blog? How long since you left blogging?
I blogged for approximately 14 months, from June 2004 until September 2005. I have been on hiatus since then.
How did you leave blogging?
I didn't "leave" blogging. I'm just on hiatus. My hiatus began in a quietly abrupt manner, sans grand finale. I simply decided to pull the plug. I will come back one day. I'm not dead yet.
Why did you leave blogging?
Several reasons:
(A). Time. I was spending a good deal of time writing posts (not that you could tell. For example, I spent over two hours on this thing). This was cutting into time I normally spent on other activities, such as surfing for porn. As an evening law student who works full time, time is a precious commodity. I took a break from blogging at the beginning of what turned out to be a busy semester.
(A)(1) I spent a lot of time on my blog, around 5-10 hours per week. But the stuff I blog about wasn't something that could help me in my career (ala Patently-O), or something that could lead to a sweet book deal (ala Blachman and Anonymous Lawyer). Maybe one day charming but irrelevant blogs will become socially acceptable, and worthy of a resume line, but because they aren't, I decided that my time would be better spent doing something that could go on my resume. With a GPA like mine, I need all the help I can get.
(B). My blog was mostly about law school. Law school is stupid. I hate law school.
(C). You're stupid.
(D). I hate you.
How do you think you and your blog are remembered?
I'm pretty sure I know how my blog persona and my blog are remembered. I'm remembered as the kid who got outed as a blogger on the last day of class. This is because of my publicly amusing outing as a blogger on the last day of class, followed by a post describing said outing that was linked to by the national wires. Sadly, there was no corn-holing involved, or I may have been linked to by Wonkette, back when it was run by the love of my life, Ana Marie Cox. Even today, former classmates and other law students ask "Are you the guy who..." to which I reply "I am." Of course they could be talking about that incident with the associate professor, a midget, a1L and a jumbo tub of lard in the faculty lounge, but what do I care - if I can't have fame, infamy is preferable to obscurity.
Long term, I'll probably be remembered as the Wooderson of law school blogs. "That's what I like about them law school girls - I keep getting older, and they stay the same age."
What is the most important thing you got out of or took away from blogging?
I'm not sure I got anything out of it or took anything away. I would love to say "a sense of accomplishment," or "the knowledge that if I shoot for the stars, I may reach them," or "the love and adulation of my reader," or even "a raging case of the clap." But alas, I'm not sure that I was changed in such a profound way by my experience, or that my life was changed.
Do you miss it?
Every damn day. I no longer have a forum to tell my stupid little stories, like the one about the time when my drunk neighbor locked herself out of her apartment, or the one about the lovely blood donor volunteer checker-inner girl wearing a shirt cut entirely too low for sitting at a table while talking to men who are standing, or about the time I got beat up on the metro.
But there are things I don't miss, too, like the pressure I would sometimes feel to not only write something, but to try and write something that I thought would amuse people.
Would you change anything?
Sure, I'd change stuff. I could stand to lose a few pounds, especially around the middle, and generally firm up a bit.
Oh, you mean about the blogging experience? Yeah, I would do things differently if I blog again. My blog didn't really have a purpose, or theme. Having the blog was a nice way to share things, like funny links I found, my love of David Hasselhoff, and stories about scary law school professors. Maybe that sort of blog could be a formula for blog "success," but I was always a bit worried that it was too esoteric, or, even worse, pseudo-narcissistic, and that I was too amused at my own perceived cleverness, which in reality was nothing more than the banal drivel of a nearly middle-aged has-been. So I would like to have a better theme the next time, maybe be more focused. Or not.
[Ed. note: Thanks Idlegrasshopper! No words. Still laughing.
Also check out the other two in the series: A_Unique_Alias & Samer.]
*I realize I misspelled the word, but within 2 minutes of posting the first version I got three hits from folks that were not going to find what they were looking for over here.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Life After Blogging - Samer
[Ed. note: Today's post is the second in a Life After Blogging series. (Be sure to check out the fascinating discussion in the comments to that intro post.)I met Samer through his old website four-ish years ago. For those of you who do not know the story of how we met, you should read it. Or, better yet, just have a few drinks with us and chances are the conversation will turn to our serendipitous meeting over Iceland. I really met Samer through his photography, became his friend, and later found out about his blog. At that time, I didn't even know what a blog was. He would say things like "I should take you to a DC Blogger meet up" and I would respond with "what? There are more of you?"
Samer didn't write about just one thing, he wrote on an array of topics from his frequent travels to Europe or the west coast to latest food preparation techniques to technology. In essence, Samer wrote about everything that encompasses him as a person. He was good at it. He wrote with a creative passion most of us don't even begin to touch. Sadly, when life came at Samer with full force, a wall of writers block was erected that eventually led to him walking away. Luckily, Samer and I have a strong friendship offline, so I still get to hear about his life firsthand over a few beers and chicken wings. Although, I sorely miss his photography and his written elaborations. Samer, my dear, all yours...]
What was the name of your blog?
samer/thoughts. I also had a completely useless photoblog: samer/pictures.
How long did you blog? How long since you left blogging?
May 2003 until May 2005, give or take a post. I have one post in July 2005, when I thought I would return, but I've not posted since.
How did you leave blogging?
Quietly and abruptly. I'd neither meant to leave nor did I want a huge exit when I realized I wasn't coming back. I posted with less and less frequency, until I posted a final entry in May 2005. I didn't expect it to be the final entry (it wasn't, as I posted a very weak attempt to come back in July).
Why did you leave blogging?
I posted an entry on May 1, 2005, lamenting the departure and closing of my unit at work. It had been a difficult time from November until then. The daily travails, not knowing what was going to happen to my job, knowing that my friends were likely to leave the area. It was tumultuous, and for various reasons, I couldn't really write about it on my blog.
I was coming home from work mentally exhausted. I didn't have the energy to sit down and write. And when I did, I just didn't feel like writing about drivel, which is mostly what I'd been writing for a while. It was hollow and empty and didn't reflect my pessimistic and downtrodden mood. Worst of all, it was a pale imitation of how I used to write, with, I liked to think, passion and love and lust.
When I wrote that "last" post, I figured I'd be back to writing soon. But it didn't come. Even the actual last post, that July about Google
Moon, was trite and a rehash of what so many others had already blogged that day. There really was no point in doing it, anymore.
I wasn't writing about me, I wasn't even comfortable writing about me, anymore. I was unoriginal, posting technology related items, hyping new Mac products and so forth. Others do it, and they do it better. The things that made my writing good to begin with were either missing from my life (like loves lost and won -- lost mostly, I'm all about the angst), or were things I couldn't write about (work related).
How do you think you and your blog are remembered?
Apparently quite fondly, as I keep getting asked when I'm going to blog again.
What is the most important thing you got out of or took away from blogging?
I'd have to say it was having the outlet to write on a semi-regular basis.
Do you miss it?
Every now and again I have something I'd like to write and get out of my system. I have other places where I can do that, these days, and so I wouldn't quite say I miss it enough to start up again.
Would you change anything?
The layout. What I wrote about. The back end software. All of it, really. I don't have the time to do that, and that's probably part of
why I don't take it up again.
Name a post or three that you really liked, and still like when you look
back on it.
My last post is right up there. I just read it again for this
"interview" and it choked me up. Still.
My Paper Chef entry, "Eggplant Inquisition", is still a favorite. It's silly, fun, well written, well photographed and shows off my "talent" in the kitchen. What more could one want?
Lastly, I really like this post about despair and friendship.
[Ed. note: Thanks Samer! (I'm still holding on to hope of your return.) Also check out the first in the series: A_Unique_Alias]
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Life After Blogging - A Unique Alias
[Ed. note: Today's post is the first in a Life After Blogging series. (Be sure to check out the fascinating discussion in the comments to that intro post.)A_Unique_Alias was one of the first friends I made strictly through blogging. I didn't know him before nor was I linked to him through law school. He simply showed up one day and commented. He was my biggest online supporter when I closed shop post-Katrina to start a charity. It sounds strange for me to call AUA a "friend" considering I only met him once. That could be what makes the blogosphere so fascinating: forging bonds through this strange community of online diaries and comments. Who'da thought? AUA, the mic is yours...]
What was the name of your blog?
Direct Current
How long did you blog? How long since you left blogging?
I was blogging regularly for about 10 months. It's been closed since February, so about four months since I've left.
How did you leave blogging?
Essentially, I popped up a sign that said "Sorry! We're closed." I did it without any ado. On the one hand, I was reluctant to surprise the readers, but on the other hand, I did it that way because I feel like a big douchebag saying things like "I was reluctant to surprise the readers." There was no smooth way to do it, and frankly, trying to find a smooth way made me feel like a self-important prick.
[Ed. note: Although AUA didn't cause a scene, someone out there caused it for him.]
Why did you leave blogging?
There were several factors/incidents influencing the decision:
> I'd been working on a project with a friend for about a year, and I was diverting a lot of energy into the blog which would've been much better spent on the other writing project with a higher ROI.
> My blog was discovered by the Bartender at my neighborhood dive. He and I had never talked about blogging before and as far as I know, his involvement with the internet is essentially limited to the Google search engine. When someone who isn't very "plugged in" finds you, you know there's too much out there.
> I was inadvertently "outed" at work. One of my coworkers reads The Rock Creek Rambler, and found a link to a link to a set of pictures that I was in. I don't obviously don't need to elaborate on the risks there.
> There was a different coworker whom I considered a close friend. He knew about the blog from the start; I'd occasionally have him proof-read posts and things like that. I wrote something that rubbed him the wrong way, and he trolled me "anonymously." With all the site-stats, I had 100% proof it was him, and I called him out on it. He denied it and fabricated some thin story about his laptop getting stolen. On one hand, it gave me insight into his character and I'm glad we aren't friends anymore. On the other hand, I wonder if it even would have happened if I didn't have the blog; if he didn't misinterpret one of my lines.
> I started getting picked up by the Express and DC Blogs with increasing frequency. My hits were going up logarithmically - - 2x as many as the preceding month, then 4x, then 8x, then 16x. The asymptotic readership curve, at the end, encompassed every facet of my life - - my DC friends, my military friends, my family, my bar, my office, my girlfriend - - and it came to be a greater liability than a benefit. For instance, what would happened if instead of trolling me, my former friend and confidante decided to scan through my blog for the nastiest thing I wrote and forward it to my boss?
How do you think you and your blog are remembered?
In my eyes, my blog was a blip on the radar. While there is constant attrition in the world of blogs, I'd like to think those who read Direct Current remember it as "worth the time it took to type in the URL."
What is the most important thing you got out of or took away from blogging?
Tough question! So, other than meeting my kick-ass awesome brilliant supermodel girlfriend?
It definitely made the city a lot smaller for me, in a good way. I learned more about the types of people in DC than I would have by chatting with drunks before last-call. Some of my preconceptions were dispelled and others were reinforced. From the aspect of social research, it yielded great fruit.
Do you miss it?
Not really. I've had the opportunity to guest post in places. I was invited (and I accepted) a membership on a group blog under a different pseudonym but I seldom contribute. I certainly don't miss the sense of responsibility to a heterogeneous readership. I certainly don't miss the risk. I can still shoot my mouth off without a blog :-) It was a nice outlet for creativity.
Would you change anything?
I would not change a thing! I met a lot of cool people and had some really good experiences.
If I were to start a new blog, though, I would do it differently. I would adopt a completely fabricated persona from someplace in the Midwest or something. I would not allow it to intersect with my personal life and would retain 100% anonymity.
[Thanks AUA!]
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Life After Blogging - Intro
Have you ever wondered if a true blogger ever dies? Have you ever wondered why someone walks away and if they ever look back? You see, this blogosphere we have come to know and love is by no means an impenetrable community. For every five new bloglings that pop up trying to make a place for themselves, we lose a really good blogger. People leave for their own reasons but they often leave many of us behind missing their daily fodder.I recently set out on a bit of a mission. I contacted a few of my favorite former bloggers to pick their brains about life - sans blogging. In the few questions that I asked each of them, I expected the humor and snark in their answers. I expected the thoughtful reflection in their answers. What I did not expect was to see so much "blogging" left in their answers. Of course it all goes to your own interpretation of what it means to be a blogger, but I found that simply shutting down their weblogs did not take away the blogger I knew in each of these writers. To me, the art of blogging is about not only the writer himself (or herself), it's also about his interaction with the readers. These guys got it right.
So I ask you, my readers: What do you think makes a good blogger?
Of course I will let you hear what these former bloggers had to say! Tune in tomorrow for the first in the series "Life After Blogging".
Friday, June 16, 2006
Mock this Counselor!
As part of our summer training, we have mock lawyer scenarios. While this is not billable work, it is a great training experience and a Partner does judge us on our progress. We are given a set of facts that grows throughout the summer becoming more complex and eventually leads to a trial. Our first formal role-playing event was a negotiation. The fact patterns are written in a way that are not inducive to one side "winning". You know, both sides are supposed to win...um, for their clients. We are talking the difference between no money (on one side) and $30million (on the other). I know from last year that the results usually hover around the $15million range with other concessions or demands thrown in. Simple enough.We were given all the facts on Monday and had until yesterday morning to plan our strategy, then go to the table to negotiate a settlement. How great is it that not only did I get my client the $30million he wanted, but my opposing counsel got fired and had a malpractice suit filed against him. Sweet!
It's really not nearly as interesting as the suspense makes it out to be:-) My client wanted cash, but knew that was unrealistic so would settle for security interests in assets instead. Opposing counsel was only authorized to give security interests in his client's assets and did not have the authority to offer any cash. In fact, his client told him not to give cash. (This was all in his "secret facts".)
So, we hit a bit of a sticking point and my opposing counsel attempts to get out of it with a bluff. It went something like this:
him: "Well, you know, we can always just give you the $30million right now and walk away. If that happens, then your client will suffer the loss of this great relationship."
me: [thinking - HUH???] "Well, I hate to just walk away from the table." [Dramatic pause] "Yeah, we'll take the money."
him: "Wait, do you really want to do that?"
me: "Yep, we'll take the money."
him: "But, you DO KNOW that means no more business relationship with my client."
me: "That's fine. We'll take the money."
him: "That would mean we just wasted the past hour attempting to negotiate and never came to a settlement."
me: "No, it means I just scored $30million for my client. I'm pretty sure they won't care about my waste of an hour."
him: "But, you can't, but wait, but..."
me: "Pleasure working with you sir, perhaps we will run into each other again."
partner watching [to him]: "You do realize that you will now get fired and most probably sued for malpractice, right?"
me: [huge grin]
Monday, June 12, 2006
My friend Tom
I did something I am not proud of last night. Something I said I would never ever do. My ability to resist peer pressure has always been one of my strengths, yet last night, I just crumbled. I got a MySpace account. *shudder* My friend sent me a link to hers and in order to view all her info, I had to sign up. So, I did. I put up a funny picture that I knew my friend would appreciate and then I went to bed figuring that's the most use this account would ever get.I'm not quite sure why I logged on this morning. When I did, I noticed I had one friend "Tom" who apparently comes default with MySpace. Hmmmm, Tom looks a little lonely in that box, so maybe I should add a friend or two. Next thing I know, I am importing my entire gmail address book. It was just so simple. So, if you get a random email today and think "dear Lord, this girl must be the last one on earth to get an account!" you should absolutely be my friend. If nothing else, to make Tom look less lonely.
Let the next phase of addiction commence.
Friday, June 09, 2006
What June 9 means to me
Today marks three years since the day I quit smoking. Not a day goes by that I do not think of the evening of June 9, 2003 when I threw away my last empty pack of Malboro Lights and said "I'm done." No matter where I go or what I do in my life, I will always view that as my greatest accomplishment.Thursday, June 08, 2006
Um, I have to be at Union Station to catch a train to Philly at 6:30am to watch an argument before the 3rd Circuit. It is currently 2:45am and I just got home (after a few adult beverages). Many times throughout the evening I said "it would be a good idea if I go home now." Yeah, gonna HATE life tomorrow.
UPDATE:I am on a train right outside of Philly. (This should not be mistken for the train I was SUPPOSED to be on...that one did not wait for me.) I do, in fact, hate life at the moment.
Monday, June 05, 2006
I have had the best roommate luck ever since moving to the DC area. I have not known any of my roommates when we moved in together, but have enjoyed lasting friendships from almost all of them. This past Friday, I drank margaritas with old roomie, Amy. In the first group townhouse I ever lived, Amy and I shared the second floor. We lived together for three years in two different places. Saturday, I had dinner with Catherine and her man. I lived with her for two years in two different places. Sadly, she moved out to move in with her man. New roomie moved in yesterday and while we have not yet had the chance to bond, I think this is going to work out swimmingly. I woke up this morning to a note from her with some home-made cookies. Yay new roomie!I must admit that I have not always had such good roommate luck. In college, I always lived with sorority sisters and that always went badly. Sometimes, very very badly. At one point, I had two roommates get pregnant (neither of which were in "stable" relationships). My grandma thought it was something in the water and started shipping me bottled water. My last two college roommates came complete with drama and gossip and raging boyfriends kicking holes in doors and venereal diseases.
Most memorable moment ever: It's about four in the morning on a weekday and I am sound asleep. I wake to a strange smell. A very strong smell. Bacon? Neither of my roommates eat pork. What is going on? I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room, from which I have a clear view of the kitchen. The guy in my kitchen does not notice me as he fries up his bacon and eggs. It's four in the morning. I have no idea who this guy is. He sees me and says "who are you?" I respond fairly simply "I'm Law-Rah and I live here. You?" Random says "oh hey, I'm [insert some name here]. I'm f*ck*ng your roommate. Want some bacon?"
Anyone else got roommate horror stories?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The endless search
Yep, I finally figured out what this whole "due diligence" stuff was all about.
For Real? Nah, probably not.
If nothing else, I have learned that DC does love the Drama. Who am I kidding, we all already knew that! Thanks to Wonkette for the mention and not only for sending my stat counts soaring, but hers as well. If and when she ever does return to her blog, she will likely wonder who is this "WonL" that sent over 700 hits per day to her site that was averaging 6. Hey, anything I can do to help young bloglings.The consensus in the comments to my last post seems to be that this young lady is not a law student at all and the entire thing is just a weak attempt to be the next Anonymous Lawyer meets Jessica Cutler meets Brazil . I would like to repeat the "weak" portion of the last sentence. Anyway, I guess I am naive and stubborn, as I am holding to the thought of her being some rising 2L somewhere in this city (although I do question the "whore" part of the blog.) While her blog seems to be met mostly with disbelief, it also envokes rage in some, "hypothetical" discussions in others, and even starry eyes in my dear friend Biff Von Bert.
Fascinating. It's all just fascinating.