
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Perks of my job

One of the men in my office has been in Iowa working for the Dems during the election. I was handling some of his stuff while he was away. To thank me, he wanted to take me and co-worker to a nice lunch. It turned into an office-wide lunch (all 5 of us:-) We went across the street to the Mayflower Hotel and had lunch at Cafe Promenade. This historic place was amazing. This is where many of the Presidents ate daily, Monica Lewinsky awaited her video interviews and some Presidents even lived in the hotel temporarily. Aside from the link I posted, I did actually get to hear all of these stories at lunch. The folks in my office are all very Washington DC and have been prominant in this city for quite some time. Our waiter knew them by name and impressively, our waiter had actually been waiting tables at that restaurant since 1984 (before it was even named Cafe Promenade). Anyway, I was treated to veal and spinach over pasta with a glass of Australian Merlot and ended with a lemon sorbet topped with fresh raspberries. That sure beats the Betty Crocker bowl of noodles I had anticipated having for lunch. It was such a gorgeous setting and the conversation was nice too. I had actually anticipated a heavily democratic conversation, so one of my class mates had given me some reading to cram with to be prepared. Thanks, TJ, but Specter didn't even come up! They are spoiling me at this job!

On a random note...I don't have any weekend plans, so may drive to Boston for the weekend!