
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Friday, October 01, 2004

The downward spiral that is my week...

Monday, I got up at 6:30 to go to the gym. I had a great work-out, enough time to shower, eat and be at work for 10. At 5pm, I left work to head to class which was from 6-9:15 (this means I could leisurely stroll the 10 blocks.) Afterwards, I came home and did some reading for the next day then off to bed. Life is great!

On Tuesday, I got up at 6:40 to go to the gym...had an okay workout because I was a bit tired...still showered, ate and was at work by 10. At 5pm, I left for class realizing I had to give a speech that night and had not come up with anything. I took a cab because I couldn't spare the 15 minute walk. Had class from 6-8, then had to do some hard core reading for the next day. Life is good!

Wednesday, woke up at 6:30, no energy to go to the gym, but had to read. Was at work from 10-5 (I think), had class from 6-9:15 had to vote in there somewhere too. After class, had to go to a thing to find out the winner (me)...yay...head home around 10:30 and start reading. Life's okay, just busy.

Thursday, slept in (forget the gym and the reading-damn tired) went to work, then school, then more school, then more reading, then more reading, then sleep. Life is...oooo...sleep is good!

Now it's Friday and I'm just physically and mentally exhausted! It's 6:30 on a Friday night and I am writing a legal memo for a meeting tomorrow. Life...what life???