
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yesterday's Blogging

Yesterday kind of came and went and I did not notice what was going on. This is probably due to the fact that I spent my day at IKEA and Target and then I spent my night with red wine and good friends. Regardless, I knew something was going down.

Did you know? Did you notice? Anyone? Anyone? Yep, yesterday marked two years to the day that I began writing here on WonL. Two years! My gosh the time I have spent procrastinating from law school work writing on this blog. I will admit that WonL has led me down some fascinating paths I did not expect. Who would have thought that a rambling post that began with "Oh my gosh, I start Law School today!" could have turned into something like this? When I began writing, I sent the link to my family and friends as a sorta 'law school chronicles' thing. My mom sent the link to all her friends (hey Mark) and on one of my trips home, they actually had a "meet Law-Rah" dinner. Seriously. I also renewed some college friendships through WonL (hey Dani B and Naomi).

As time went on, a good friend got me all technologically advanced with bloglines and a site meter and everything else to make me a true dork blogger. Once I figured out the concept of the blogroll (thanks Evan), I began getting all linked up to other law school bloggers (or blawgers if you are down with the lingo). My blog-idol The Imbroglio (formerly Ambivalent) started grabbing some of my posts and using them as "advice on law school" posts. I would venture to say that is what led me to teaching new students this semester. I went to my first ever blogger happy hour and met a few law school folks from around the country here in DC for the summer (including THE Energy Spatula.) It was probably at that point when I felt myself succumbing to the dorkism that is blogging.

As I continued to write, I met this guy in cyberspace who showed me that DC actually had it's own little blog scene. Well, not really little. Between the DC Metro Blog Map (which sadly is dead) and DC Bloggers and of course DC Blogs...one can obviously see that the DC Blog Scene is pretty large and diverse. In fact, that's what makes it work so well, the blogs in DC are a reflection of the people in DC (which can sometimes leave a bad taste in one's mouth, but that is beside the point). I have gotten to the point where I have actually made good friends in this crazy blog world. Friends. Like actual good friends. They aren't just bloggers anymore. At a birthday party last week, one of my non-blogging friends turned to me and said "wait, all these people are bloggers? Wow, it's like I need to start a blog to be cool and make friends around DC." I would have never expected any of this.

So, despite the fact that someone out there considers me a "loathsome" blogger, I would like to think I am doing pretty well for myself. In two years, WonL has allowed both my writing and my friendships to truly develop. I have to say that I am a tiny bit proud. This, my friends, is due mostly to those of you who come back day after day. Thanks for two great years!