
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fellow of the Dean

I spent all day yesterday, and I do mean ALL DAY, being orientated on how to teach the incoming law school kids. Remember that time I asked y'all about what I could "teach"? Well, after all of your great (and asinine) ideas, I taught my 2-4 minutes of how to start a charity. The folks over at my law school, perhaps in a fit of insanity, believed that I taught well enough to hold the fate of some of the incoming students in my hands. Yep, that's right, they selected me to be one of the Dean's Fellas for the Legal Research and Writing classes. Once a week, I will run a class of 11 new students teaching them how to research and write and most importantly, teaching them the ins and outs of law school. We were told yesterday we have to be really careful what we say from here on out because these students will hang on our every word and believe what we say to the be truth and the only way. Oh boy. These kids are in for a treat because censored Law-Rah does not come out very often. Sarcasm aside, I am looking extremely forward to this. Law school can generally be a grueling, life-altering, ego-slashing, self-confidence-eliminating experience. I will spend my last year of law school making sure this experience is not only tolerable, but a good experience for at least 10 new students.

Of course this experience is good for me too because I just love the attention. All the young'ins think "oooo, Dean's Fellow, how prestigious." (Little do they know:-) Last night, I had a guy come up to me and tell me "You are Law-Rah. We all wanted to have you as our Dean's Fellow. Can I switch into your class?" Aw, that's too cute. I think he only said it because earlier they introduced three of the Dean's Fellows (myself included) in front of the class of 120+ by saying "and these are the Dean's Fellows that are so enthusiastic to meet you that they came early"...I replied with "oh, wait, I'm just here because I thought the free food and alcohol was in this room." Oxy-moronically, I am determined to be the "Cool Dean's fellow". Wish me luck.

Okay, so I am sure some of you are wondering about my class of 11, but my dedication to 10. Well well well. We had a reception last night that gave us the opportunity to meet each of our students. Most of mine are just great! But let's just say there is one young lady that may have to work a little harder to earn her grade. (Probably was not wise on her part to be the only student left on my list that never came to meet me until the very end of the evening when she approached me with "um, like someone told me that you had assignments for us. I thought that like I was just like supposed to come over and meet you and stuff and I was like whatever.") Um, yeah, for her sake, I'm going to chalk it up to the alcohol.

And now, I leave you with the T-shirt they made me wear yesterday. In front of other people. Lawyers are just soooo funny!
