
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Monday, August 23, 2004

My First Day

Oh my gosh, I start Law School today! I am so absolutely overwhelmed with emotion. I have waited years for this day and now I'm scared out of my mind because it's here! I have been thinking about this on and off since the fifth grade and now it's here. I have been reading and briefing cases for four days now in anticipation of being prepared the first day and now it's here. I have worked extremely hard for over a year now to get in and prepare for law school, and now it's here! I am nervous, scared, excited, shaking, crying, laughing, and did I mention nervous. It reminds me of those swim meets when I was younger in which I could play off the nerves up until I was on that starting block. Well, here goes nothing! I guess all that is left is for the gun to go off and me to dive right in. I guess that will come at 6pm when Professor K walks into Lerner Room 201 with all 150 of us staring blankly ahead. I am ready! On the other hand, I am terrified! These emotions swirling around remind me of another time in my life. Ironically enough, they remind me of my thesis presentation, the last day of my architecture school career. I will admit to the same swirling feelings in anticipation of beginning my presentation. Once over that initial shock, it all came easy. I just had a good time. If today goes the same, I can do this! If I could overcome all odds and finish architecture school, I can do this. If I could pack up my life and move 1200 miles away not knowing a soul, I can do this. If I could fall asleep, alone in this city, after walking past the burning Pentagon on 9-11-01, I can do this. If I could quit smoking cold turkey after 12 years, I can do this. Oh my gosh, I start Law School today!!!