
The random thoughts of an architect-turned- lawyer from the deep south living in Washington, DC...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Competition learning...summed up

I learned a lot this weekend during the hellacious process they call the journal competition just like I learned during exams and I kept track this time as well: (By the way, I fully intend to do an intelligent post with regards to the competition, I just must first recover:-) I learned...

When you enter a room that fits three people at 9am and lay your materials out, there is plenty of space. By 11pm, the walls have closed in to such a degree, that you can barely turn around to reach that highlighter you dropped.

If you wear baggy pants with a lot of pockets, you can sneak food from the vending machines into the library.

After Wendy's, vending machine Fritos, and reheated spaghetti, a three-person closed door room really begins to smell foul.

Too scared to test this one, but assuming the library folks would not be too keen on the idea of lighting incense to overcome the french fry smell.

If you find a small critter (bug) crawling across your hand while flipping through the Bluebook, do not instinctively fling it across the room. Disposition in such haste will only serve to distract you for hours as your mind and eyes continuously wander around the room in search of said bug.

The BlueBook offers no guidance on how to cite to the Law and Order epidsode this past Tuesday that directly supports your case note proposition.

A few margaritas make your subjective argument much stronger.

Jogging laps around the stacks in the basement of the library can make you dizzy.

They say New Courier, 12 pt font, double spaced, no more than 28 lines per page. I can attest that the aforementioned constraints only allow 25 lines per page. I will get 28 if it's the last thing I do!

"F.U." is not in any of the standard abbreviations pages of the Bluebook.

The little girl on the front of the UTZ pretzel bag does not have a nose.

When you bitch about the Bluebook to your non-law school friends, they automatically assume you are selling your car.

After four+ days of looking at it, every thing in the Bluebook starts to swirl together and become the same three words over and over: cite according to.

Absolute best word ever invented: "id"